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How to reuse Your Cardboard Boxes After Moving Day

By January 26, 2021 No Comments
How to reuse Your Cardboard Boxes After Moving Day

If you’re trying to be more environmentally conscious, then you’re probably wondering how you can reuse your packing materials once you’ve moved. Luckily, there are plenty of ways of reusing materials such as cardboard boxes so you can do your part for the planet and getting multiple uses out of your items.

Here are some resourceful ideas for reusing your cardboard boxes.

Why are cardboard boxes a good packing material?

When moving house cardboard boxes often become more valuable than gold dust! They are easy to get hold of and can make organisation a whole lot easier. Most homeowners will have a few cardboard boxes lying around but they can also be collected from shops and supplied by removal companies.

How can you reuse your cardboard boxes?

Once you’ve move house recycling your cardboard boxes is fine but not your only option. Reusing the materials can reduce waste and prove to be very handy around your home, not to mention more eco-friendly than other disposal methods.

Flackpack them until they’re needed

If you have the space to store them why not flatpack your cardboard boxes until you need them. It’s always a good idea to have boxes on standby as you never know when you might need them.

Store seasonal decorations or items

Organise your attic space or cupboard by using your old cardboard boxes to store seasonal decorations are items. No one wants to struggle to find their Christmas decorations every year. Using cardboard boxes for storage is a practical way to reuse them and keep your belongings well-sorted around the home.

Offer them to friends and family

Do you know someone who is moving house soon? Donate your old cardboard boxes to them so the cycle continues.

At Essex Removals, we’re on hand to make your home move less stressful. Our team offers a range of packing services so you can receive as much or as little help as you need along with high-quality packing supplies. Plus, you’re covered by up to £50,000 in insurance! Contact us today for more information.


Author seo

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