During the hectic buildup of a house move, it can be easy to forget what needs to be done once you arrive. You’ll probably just feel so relieved that you’ll simply want to crash out on the sofa and sleep, however, just because you’re in the door, it doesn’t mean that the job isn’t quite finished yet.
Here’s a checklist of ten essential things you should do as soon as you move into a new house:
Get a takeaway
First things first, you and your family are probably dying for some grub after a long day of hauling boxes here there and everywhere. Order yourself a takeaway and enjoy your first evening in your new home.
Check your appliances
It’s always worth checking your appliances are in good working order once you move in. This includes things like the oven, fridge freezer and washer dryer. Although you’ve signed a contract which states that everything is in good nick, you can never be too sure!
Count your boxes and inspect your furniture
There’s nothing worse than arriving at your new home only to find that a box of crucial belongings has been left behind, or worse, an item of furniture has been damaged. Go through your inventory and make sure everything is in check.
Fire up your gas and electric
If the house you’re moving into has been sat empty for a while, it may be that your utilities aren’t switched on. As soon as you move in, turn your gas and electric on to ensure the house is well-lit and warm for your first night.
Make your beds
Make sure that your removalists have put the right beds in the right rooms, and that your beds are ready to be made. Hopefully, you’ll have packed your bedding somewhere that’s easy to access so that you can get tucked up with no hassle.
Meet your neighbours
Whether you’re moving around the corner or across the continent, be sure to pop round to your neighbours’ houses once you’re all settled in. They’ll no doubt welcome you with open arms and let you know about any local community events that are happening.
Take a stroll around the area
When you move somewhere new, it’s essential that you know where all of your local amenities are. Find out where the nearest corner shop, supermarket, post box and local park is by taking a stroll through the streets. You could ask your new neighbours to join you!
Redirect your post
You may have already done this prior to moving, but if you haven’t, this is a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. Whilst finding out where your local post office is, you can also ask them to redirect all of your post to make sure it turns up at your new place.
Register at the local doctors’ surgery
To make sure you can access healthcare as soon as you need it, you should register you and your family at the local doctors’ surgery. You should also find a dentist nearby and, if you have pets, find a veterinary surgery too!
Register to vote
Make sure that you and your family (if they’re old enough) have all registered to vote in your new area. You’ll want to be able to vote in the next elections hassle-free.
Before you’re left to fend for yourself after moving house, be sure to choose a reliable removals company. Here are Essex Removals, we will expertly handle your belongings, along with the logistics of your move, and ensure that everything runs smoothly. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation quote.